object FTPForm: TFTPForm Left = 13 Top = 96 Width = 628 Height = 359 Caption = 'FTP' Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [] Menu = MainMenu1 PixelsPerInch = 96 Visible = True OnCreate = FormCreate TextHeight = 16 object Sockets1: TSockets Left = 73 Top = 209 Width = 32 Height = 32 OnErrorOccurred = Sockets1ErrorOccurred end object Sockets2: TSockets Left = 112 Top = 208 Width = 32 Height = 32 OnErrorOccurred = Sockets1ErrorOccurred end object Memo1: TMemo Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 620 Height = 313 Align = alClient Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 2 OnExit = ExitMNUClick end object MainMenu1: TMainMenu Left = 38 Top = 207 object FileMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&File' object ConnectMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Connect' Hint = 'Connect to FTP server' OnClick = ConnectMNUClick end object QuitMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Disconnect' Hint = 'Disconnect from FTP server' OnClick = QuitMNUClick end object RenameMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Rename File' Hint = 'Rename remote file' OnClick = RenameMNUClick end object DeleteMNU: TMenuItem Caption = 'De&lete File' Hint = 'Delete remote file' OnClick = DeleteMNUClick end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object ExitMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Exit' Hint = 'Exit this program' OnClick = ExitMNUClick end end object FileTransMNU: TMenuItem Caption = 'File &Transfers' object GetMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Get File' Hint = 'Retrieves a file from the FTP server' OnClick = GetMNUClick end object PutMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Put File' Hint = 'Sends a file to the FTP server' OnClick = PutMNUClick end object ViewMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&View file' OnClick = ViewMNUClick end object CancelMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Cancel Transfer' OnClick = CancelMNUClick end end object DirCommandMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Directory' object DirMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&List Directory' Hint = 'Display a directory listing of the remote system' OnClick = DirMNUClick end object PwdMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Print Working Directory' Hint = 'Print the current remote directory name' OnClick = PwdMNUClick end object ChDirMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Change Directory' Hint = 'Change the remote directory location' OnClick = ChDirMNUClick end object ParentMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Parent Directory' OnClick = ParentMNUClick end object MkDirMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Make Directory' Hint = 'Create a new remote directory' OnClick = MkDirMNUClick end object RmDirMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Remove Directory' Hint = 'Delete a remote directory' OnClick = RmDirMNUClick end end object MiscCommMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Misc-Commands' object QuoteMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Quote' Hint = 'Sends any FTP command you type' OnClick = QuoteMNUClick end object HelpMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Help' Hint = 'Asks the remote system for help' OnClick = HelpMNUClick end end object OptionsMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Options' object DirSepMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Directory Separate' OnClick = DirSepMNUClick end object ViewSepMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&View Separate' Checked = True OnClick = ViewSepMNUClick end object EditorMNU: TMenuItem Caption = '&Editor' OnClick = EditorMNUClick end end end end